Orbit / Mobile & Website

Empowering businesses of all scales to seamlessly manage their cash flow operations.

Orbit case study mockup

My Contribution

UX design, UI Design
User Research, Usability Testing, Information Architecture, Competitive audit


4 months




Solo Product Designer

Orbit is a treasury management application that helps organizations track and monitor their financial health across multiple platforms. It gives organizations a 360 view of their finances to help them make informed decisions.

With Orbit, small, medium, and large-scale enterprises can carry out financial operations and preview their financial activities all within one "super app".

The Opportunity

Today, businesses of all scales rely on several technologies in conducting their daily financial operations. Depending on its niche, a business can utilize over ten (10) products or services in managing multiple financial processes within its organization. A good example is a software company that requires tools for sales, marketing, project management, communication, accounting, etc. Businesses typically utilize several tools for these processes by creating different profiles for each platform.

Our Goal
My team and I set out to build a product that consolidates all the financial processes of an organization into one “super app”, keeping everything in one place for easy management, tracking, and reporting.

User Research

I interviewed 5 participants, 2 entrepreneurs, and 3 finance managers to better understand their behaviors, goals, frustrations, and motivations as they relate to carrying out financial processes within their businesses or companies.  

participants face

Interview Insight

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Manual Reporting

4 out of 5 participants use Excel sheets to combine reports obtained from multiple apps which is still very manual and time-consuming.

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Prefer an all-from-one solution

All the participants prefer to carry out their financial activities from one central platform and on the go.

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Multiple Technology Option

Most participants used at least 7 financial applications to manage different aspects of their businesses/processes.

Competitive audit

I reviewed other single-account tools (financial and non-financial) to learn from these solutions.

company logos


After extensive rounds of research, we analyzed and synthesized data gathered to identify the core problems users were facing. We define the problem using a  human-centered problem statement format to allow for creative solution ideation in the next phase.

Problem Statement
Business owners need an easy way to manage and track their company’s financial health across multiple platforms because it gives them insights into their business performance and helps them make informed decisions.


Using “how might we statements” (HMW) allowed me to brainstorm and innovate around possible solutions.

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Final Solution

Orbit splash screen mockup
Orbit account UI mockup
Orbit app feature mockup
Orbit approval feature mockup


Manual process is still used by many businesses

This project gave me a first-hand insight into how different businesses carryout their daily financial operations. While some businesses have adopted various technology in simplifying its internal processes, some others still rely strongly on a variety of manual processes.

Trust in technology

A lot of businesses still believe technology
is “difficult to use”.

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